As of late, eastern America has been inundated with snow storms up and down the coast. Keeping this in mind, one must be reasonably prepared for foul weather if you plan on doing any outdoor activity, whether this be overnight or not.
The first step to keep warm overnight is to find your prey. Usually a grizzly bear or large moose will do the job. A single bullet to the spine or temple will usually take care of it, and once it is dead cut its stomach open, climb in and close yourself in to use as a sleeping bag.
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On a more serious note, keeping warm in outdoor cold weather really is important when exploring the wilderness. Here are some helpful hints and products to consider when browsing merchandise.
Chiff is an extremely useful website that gives tips and strategies to keeping warm overnight. The most useful tip that I can offer is to not automatically resort to fire.
Most state parks do not allow self made fires, especially in un-designated areas. By simply making sure that your body is not exposed to wind, you can dramatically increase your body temperature.
Some campers will make the mistake of leaving their tents unzipped to get that 'fresh-air' experience. Bad idea.
One, bears will smell both your body odor, as well as your food. Second, by the time you fall asleep, the temperature outside will most likely drop far below what it was when you dozed off, allowing for sickness to creep in unnoticed.
I would also recommend Greatland's self-inflating floor mat, which adds an extra ten degrees fareinheit to your body when you sleep on it. Greatland is a great brand, and has awesome prices on all of its equipment.
One last piece of advice that I would recommend would be to invest in not only the obvious extra layers, but light ones. Micro-Fiber, such as Under-Armour apparel will be light as a feather, but will also keep you extremely warm. Something to consider when you run into unexpected weather. The clothes are extremely compactable, so they are easy to store if you feel you are too warm.
That's all for now fellow travelers, hope your travels are not only enjoyable and safe now, but also warm!
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4 days ago
Good tips. A lot of people don't realize how much of a difference a good self-inflating floor mat can make when trying to stay warm. Air is a really good insulator, and staying off the cold ground is essential.